More about Peer

Our mission: impact on our surroundings

Peer Accountants started life in 2014 with a mission. We want to help highly qualified financial talent to flourish, even if that requires extra effort on our part. We look beyond people’s past history, their blemishes and their personal challenges.

Heading your own team as an accountant

We are offering you the chance to lead a team of Peer Accountants. You will be the face of Peer Accountants for the business owners, leading your own team for our financial compilation work.

Read more about heading your own Peer team

We don’t just welcome people with good qualifications and experience. We also help people who show affinity, interest, commitment and willingness along the path towards a career in accountancy.

Every day, we demonstrate that there’s a place in accountancy for everyone who shows financial commitment. Based on this belief, we have built up a solid team of well-qualified, engaged, experienced professionals, who can answer every financial question posed by business owners.

We are happy to involve anyone who can help us to achieve our goal.



Peer as social enterprise

Peer Accountants is a recognised social enterprise, also known as social business or impact business. A social enterprise is a business that prioritises its societal mission, using profits as a means to this end.

Why social enterprises are thriving

Samenwerken met social enterprises helpt organisaties om hun maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemerschap vorm te geven. Daar is steeds meer behoefte aan. Klanten en overheden stellen steeds meer eisen aan bedrijven over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen.

Healthy revenue model

Een social enterprise ziet er hetzelfde uit als een gewone onderneming. Het verschil met een liefdadigheidsinstelling is dat een social enterprise een bedrijf is met een gezond verdienmodel dat niet afhankelijk is van donaties of subsidie. Een bekende norm is dat minstens 50 of 75 procent van de omzet komt uit diensten en producten (bij Peer is dat overigens meer dan 90 procent). Winst wordt geheel of gedeeltelijk weer in het bedrijf geïnvesteerd.

    Well-known companies as social enterprises

    The number of social enterprises in the Netherlands is rising. There are now some five thousand, including well-known companies like Ben & & Jerry’s and Tony Chocolonely. There are also financial social enterprises, such as Triodos Bank and Qredits. Increasingly more organisations are including social enterprise in their core activities.

    Our quality mark for social enterprises

    Peer Accountants has the PSO 30+-certificate, the quality mark for social enterprises. Like us, many social enterprises are affiliated to the Social Enterprise NL trade organisation. We follow the guidelines of the Social Enterprises Code Foundation. Social enterprise is also recognised at European level.

    The future of Peer



    Peer Accountants dreams operating a chain of branches, spread across the country.

    Throughout the land, talented accountants are in the starting blocks, ready to make a career in accountancy. The only thing they need is a nudge in the right direction and the right guidance and supervision. Peer Accountants is needed everywhere.

    We also want to be there for companies and other organisations looking for an accounting firm that makes a visible contribution to society.

    To make this dream come true, we are looking for accountants who want to set up and manage their own team, and help to implement our plans.

    Read more about your role at Peer

    This is our social impact



    We commissioned a study to find out exactly what we are achieving. These are the results.

    Impact specialist Irene Hemels studied the social impact of Peer Accountants. These are our results for the years she investigated:


    1. Realisation of ten paid jobs for talented individuals who need extra support
    2. In the years of the study, 99% of our funding came from selling our services and the founder’s own assets
    3. Realisation of twelve work experience trajectories
    4. Peer invested an average of € 15,000 per new employee and € 30,000 per newcomer (asylum permit holder)
    5. Employees spent an average of 1.5 to 2 hours per day supervising each other and onboarding new colleagues
    6. 85% of our invoiced revenue was generated by employees from target groups
    7. All employees have achieved personal growth since starting work at Peer
    8. Employees indicate that their general sense of well-being has improved considerably, they feel happier, more energetic, and more accepted by those around them. Most employees claim that their quality of life has improved (often greatly improved).

    Peer’s people

    Otto Reuchlin

    is the founder of Peer Accountants. He previously worked as a government advisor, an independent project leader and interim manager in the social policy domain. Video: Otto Reuchlin about Peer Video: Otto Reuchlin about Peer

    Jan Veldhuizen

    works for Peer Accountants as an accountant, heading up the financial compilation engagements. As a partner, he also works for VHM Accountants & Adviseurs in Veenendaal.

    Team leader RA/AA

    We are offering you the chance to lead a team of Peer Accountants. You will be the face of Peer Accountants for the business owners, leading your own team for our financial compilation work. Read more about heading your own Peer team.

    Our partners in our mission

    De Normaalste Zaak

    brings employers together to share experiences of inclusion.

    Social Enterprise NL

    is the umbrella organisation for social entrepreneurs.

    The Social Enterprises Code

    registers companies that visibly comply with the five principles of social enterprise. Peer works on the qualification.

    PSO 30+

    certifies companies that meet the quantitative requirements of Article 2.82 of the Public Procurement Act (Aanbestedingswet).

    Stichting De Omslag

    The City of Amsterdam and Stichting De Omslag jointly manage the marketplace for corporate social responsibility. de marktplaats voor sociaal verantwoord ondernemen.. Peer is gekwalificeerd als partij die Social Return kan invullen voor ondernemingen die hiervoor een verplichting hebben.

    Buy Social

    makes purchasing from social enterprises simpler.

    Het VriendenLoterij Fonds

    supports social enterprises and has invested in Peer.

    Rabo Foundation

    is an impact financier for global economic, social and ecological change.

    Dichter Bij Huis

    invests in participation.

    Stadsdeel West Amsterdam

    supports Peer from within the Social Heroes of the West programme.

    Sociaal Werkkoepel Amsterdam

    is a network organisation of companies, social firms and socially-oriented organisations.

    SME Nederland / SME Amsterdam