Specialist in Social Return

Peer Accountants is a specialist in Social Return. This is an approach to including people with a disadvantage on the labour market in the employment process.

De rijksoverheid en gemeenten hebben ons erkend als hun partner aan wie zij Social Return uitbesteden.

Heading your own team as an accountant

We are offering you the chance to lead a team of Peer Accountants. You will be the face of Peer Accountants for the business owners, leading your own team for our financial compilation work.

Read more about heading your own Peer team

Peer scores in the highest categories of the Social Entrepreneurship Performance Ladder: Peer meets both the standards for PSO 30+ Procurement Act Step 3.

Social Return with Peer

Our services comply with Social Return guidelines. Many of our clients therefore outsource – with the consent of their own government clients such as municipalities and ministries – their Social Return efforts to us. This applies, for example, to the knowledge and consultancy organisation PGOsupport, the specialist in sustainable living Regionaal Energie Loket, the interim management and consultancy firm Neuf & Associates and various healthcare organisations.

Why Social Return is needed

Talent needs to flourish, from craftsmanship to entrepreneurship. But some people need a push to do so. The Dutch labour force includes almost one and a half million people who have difficulties in getting into the labour process. Think of the long-term unemployed, the elderly and people with disabilities. Our economy is geared towards allowing everyone to participate. That is what we are committed to at Peer Accountants.

How Social Return works

Social Return means that part of the shop floor is equipped for people with a distance to the labour market. Peer fleshes this out with temporary apprenticeships or traineeships, but especially with permanent jobs for employees from target groups. Social Return can also mean making workplaces suitable for people with disabilities, for instance through ergonomic adjustments or extra guidance. At Peer Accountants, we have set up part of our workplace for Social Return in this way . Always through customisation, tailored to people and circumstances.

Why Social Return is catching on

Government organisations have Social Return high on their agenda. In 2018, a quota for government employers came into force. They must devote 1.93% of their salaried hours to the target group. From 2019, a penalty of 5,000 euros per unfilled job will apply. Government organisations require suppliers from whom they source goods and to whom they outsource services to also invest in Social Return. The central government thereby applies the rule that Social Return is mandatory within the category ‘works’ and ‘services’ above the amount of EUR 250,000. This with a minimum assignment period of 6 months. An increasing number of companies also consider Social Return important and address their suppliers accordingly.

The power of government as a buyer

Government purchasing power affects suppliers. Municipalities alone spend more than EUR 35 billion annually, almost half of total public procurement. Central government purchases 10 billion euros worth of goods and services every year. Enough purchasing power to take the Social Return requirement seriously.

Hoe kunt u meer aanbieders van Social Return vinden?

Social Return Company helpt bedrijven met een optimale invulling van Social Return.

Twinpact.nl staat nu nog in de steigers. Maar gaat een geïntegreerde dienstverlening bieden aan inkopers bij bedrijven met een Social Return-opgave. Onderdeel is concrete begeleiding bij de inkoop. Een ander onderdeel is één maandelijkse factuur waarin de inkoop bij alle partners samen wordt gebracht.

Er zijn ook andere websites waarop bedrijven zoals Peer te vinden zijn die Social Return kunnen invullen, of waarop te vinden is hoe . Bijvoorbeeld:

Learn more about Social Return

Otto Reuchlin
06 432 89 460 / 020 30 90 399